Help for English

had ridden/had been riding


Ktorú z vyššie uvedených možností by ste zvolili pre:

“The laws did not prevent the arrival in the 1950s of a large number of Puerto Ricans from the US possession of Puerto Rico – as American, they had every right to live wherever they chose in the US. Prior to that, between two world wars, hundreds of thousands of African American had been riding/had ridden ? buses and trains from the south …”

Obojí, každé znamená něco jiného. :)
- had been riding = spousta lidí přijíždělo
- had ridden = spousta lidí přijelo

O tejto sémantickej diferencii som tiež premýšľal, ale asi sa z tohto kontextu naozaj nedá jednoznačne vybrať.

Ten, kdo text napsal (píše) ale určitě ví, co měl (má) na mysli. :)


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