Prosím o pomoc, nevím si rady z částí věty … then sister (charge nurse if a manú), and perhaps eventually nursing officer.
Prosím o pomoc, nevím si rady z částí věty … then sister (charge nurse if a manú), and perhaps eventually nursing officer.
Omlouvám se na přeťuk (charge nurse if a man)
Celou vetu prosim, popr. i vetu nebo dve pred a za.
One hundred and fifty years ago, nurses were unpaid, untrained, and unpopular, but then Florence Nightingale made nursing into a profession. The methods she introduced in the 1850s were copied all over the world, and now nursing is a career with a three- or four-year training, qualifications, grades, unions, and pensions.
In Britain, every nurse is on a grade. The grade depends on experience and skills, and each grade has different responsibilities and pay. On the bottom grades are unqualified auxiliary nurses who do the routine work on hospital wards. On the top grades are nursing officers, who are usually administrators.
Auxiliary nurses are on the bottom grades, but students nurses get the lowest pay. However, students don't stay at the bottom of the pay scale forever. When they qualify, they start working on a middle grade. As they get experience, they can get promotion and move up the ranks to become staff nurse, then sister (charge nurse if a man),and perhaps eventually nursing officer.
Many nurses work shifts, and often they work overtime to earn more money. After basic training, many nurses choose to do further study and become specialists. Nurses can specialize in many different fields – there are triage nurses working in Casualty, and psychiatric nurses who treat the mentally ill. There are health visitors who visit patients in their own homes, practice nurses working in GPs' surgeries and midwives who deliver babies.
Many of them say they do not get enough pay and respect for the work they do. They say that the work is physically and mentally hard, that they work long hours and get very tired. But they also say that there are many great rewards which have nothing to do with money.
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Jak získávají zkušenosti, mohou být povýšeny a posunout se na pozici staniční sestry, vrchní sestry (vrchního bratra ? pokud se jedná o muže), a nakonec i hlavní sestry.
Ptal sem se sestřičky, sama nezná ekvivalent muže pro vrchní sestru, řikala že nikoho v takový pozici nezná.…-sestry.html
Zdravotní nebo vrchní bratr se však oficiálně nepoužívají Takže u nás v překladu tam ta závorka vůbec nebude, protože žena i muž jsou prostě vrchní sestra.
Nechci do toho nějak vstupovat, ale podle mne staff nurse je “normální” kvalifikovaná sestra. Pak ty pozice sister, charge nurse jsou pozice vrchní resp. staniční sestry – to ale záleží v jaké je to zemi a nedá se to aplikovat úplně stoprocentně na naše termíny staniční, vrchní sestra. Pokud bych musel použít staff nurses pro spojení staniční, tak bych dal senior staff nurses.
Moc, moc děkuji a omlouvám se za pozdní reakci. Opravdu to bylo vytržené z výše uvedeného článku. <br/>
Líbí se mi i článěk…-sestry.html
Nechci do toho nějak vstupovat, ale podle mne staff nurse je “normální” kvalifikovaná sestra. Pak ty pozice sister, charge nurse jsou pozice vrchní resp. staniční sestry – to ale záleží v jaké je to zemi a nedá se to aplikovat úplně stoprocentně na naše termíny staniční, vrchní sestra. Pokud bych musel použít staff nurses pro spojení staniční, tak bych dal senior staff nurses.
Ve skriptech JU ZSF je: divisional (principal), nursing officer, matron, head sister = vrchní, vedoucí sestra; department sister = staniční sestra; ward sister = sestra na oddělení.
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