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MINECRAFT: Building the world with 'digital Lego'

Komentáře k článku: MINECRAFT: Building the world with 'digital Lego'


I love Minecraft! Especially the freedom in the game. You can do whatever you want. I know the game a couple of years. From the beginning it was just survival mode and I was trying to reach the end of the game which is finding the ender dragon, or something like that. But after some time I moved to the creative mode and I am obsessed with building a huge realistic city. I build a large underground transport system and it takes a lot of time. So sometimes it is really a mixture of enjoyment that you can create something new and original and of frustration when it is not going well. But it is such a good game! 

I myself spent quite a few hours in the Minecraft world, but I never really tried the creative mode. I would have loved it if they added a few more game modes, such as adventure mode or something. This game has huge potential… and the dozens (or hundreds?) of unofficial game mods reflect that. I wish the developers would take the hint… Then I would gladly return to this wonderwul world of blocks.

I don't quite understand the popularity of this game, I mean the graphics is just horrible. I can't put my finger on why anyone can play this game. It looks like it's from the nineties.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od turn_around vložený před 11 lety

I don't quite understand the popularity of this game, I mean the graphics is just horrible. I can't put my finger on why anyone can play this game. It looks like it's from the nineties.

I totally agree! But I've never played that. In general I prefer more story-sophisticated games, such as Heavy rain and so on.

wow je to úžasné jen jsem dostal Minecraft Upgrade kód a překvapivě to fungovalo! Režijní se to tady děje


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