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Zdravím, na českém wordreference jsem narazil na tento dotaz, se kterým si prostě neumím poradit a zajímala by mne moc odpověď –

Hledá se terminus technicus: It once was thought that the Lockean Proviso – that as much and as good be left for others – has a logic that prohibits original appropriation altogether.
(The idea: There are finitely many things in the world, therefore every taking necessarily leaves less for others.) A series of essays observed that appropriating, then regulating access to, scarce resources is precisely how people avert commons tragedies, thereby preserving resources for the future, thereby satisfying the Proviso. When resources are abundant, the Proviso permits appropriation; when resources are scarce, the Proviso requires appropriation.

Zkusil by někdo počeštit zvýrazněnou větu..?

Díky Kuba…

ps. nevím jak lépe vlákno pojmenovat, jestli máte nápad, klidně můžete.


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