Help for English

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Zdravim pani, mohli by ste mi prosim skontrolovat text s profilu zo stranky…12ea315d0f7/ ?

More than 1 year of full-time job experience in web development (Laravel, Drupal) and few months of Android development (just for fun). Skilled in frontend development and responsive design, good sense of UI/UX. Created cca 10 corporate websites, partially participated on few e-commerce sites. Currently finalising my biggest project – Grant Expert (check portfolio).

a este

Portal where clients can hire consultants in order to write correct proposal for EU funding programmes. Developed in Drupal 7, I did both backend and frontend. Site is still under construction. You'll need authorization access if you want to visit this page. I can give it to you if you want..

Ako by ste prelozili “ak ma o to poziadate” namiesto toho if you want v poslednej vete?

and a few months of…
on a few e-commerce sites
A portal where…
write a correct proposal…

Nechápem presne vetu “Developed in Drupal 7, I did both backend and frontend.” Nemyslíš Higly skilled in Drupal… ?

Back end a front end som našiel skôr oddelene alebo s pomlčkou ako dokopy, ale za to neručím.

The site is still under construction.

You'll need authorization access if you like to visit this page.
(zni to slušnejšie ako want)

I can provide it on request.

Ahoj, diky za pomoc.

Tym “developed” som myslel, ze ten portal spominany v predchadzajucej vete je vyvyjany v Drupal 7. A casy su v poriadku?

Ahaaa, už rozumiem.
Ak chceš dôrazniť fakt, že si to robil TY, možno by som to upravil na: It's been developed in Druppal 7 and both back end and front end have been done by me.
Neviem, ale možno by som nepovedal developed ale jednoducho made .
Časy OK.


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