Help for English



What is said about pandas in the news item?

  1. They actually prefer to eat meat, if they can get it.
  2. They eat only a small percentage of each bamboo plant.
  3. They are moving into the mountains to escape from people.
  4. They can eat meat, but have special bacteria to digest plants.

For a long time, scientists have wondered why pandas – which have stomachs designed for meat – can eat parts of the bamboo plant and survive. Now they’ve discovered that panda intestines contain 13 kinds of bacteria that help them digest plants. Pandas, after moving to higher altitudes, adopted a bamboo diet so they wouldn’t compete for prey with other meateaters, such as Asiatic black bears, in their new homes. However, even today pandas will eat meat if it’s offered to them, but they won’t actively hunt for it.

p.s.: osobně bych dala d), ale potřebuji si to ověřit :) děkuji

Bude to d) :)

Děkuji!! 8-)


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