Help for English

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Zdravím, pomohol by mi prosim Vas niekto, skontrolovat tento anglicky text? Ci je to spravne alebo su tam aj chyby nejake? :) Dakujem

Dear Mr. Green,

we are a company engaged in the retail sale of consumer electronics. Electronics we sell in our store purchases as well as through our online store. We liked the presentation of your Samsung products at an exhibition in London. We should be particularly interested in the products – mobile phones, TVs and tablets. I remember that I have mentioned, you also organize sales training to your product. We'd love to attend such training to our dealers then have the best knowledge about the products and know the most selling products of your brand. I would like to ask you to send a catalog of your products so that we know to choose those that will be interesting for us. At the same time as we talked an exhibition, we would like to ask you also about some test samples of products that we are the first we as employees piloted. If we have agreed with partner shops, we buy from you regularly these products. The payments would like to send to your bank account, always after delivery. Since we are interested in a larger number of products, I would like to know if it is possible bulk discount. If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Lucia, Chief Buyer

Tohle by chtělo předělat celé, řada vět je špatně poskládaných hlavně pokud jde o pořádek slov, některým pasážím je těžké porozumět.

Pokud máte ten text předpsaný v češtině/slo­venštině můžete ho sem klidně přidat.

Dakujem, posielam text v slovenčine. Este raz velmi pekne dakujem.

Vážený Mr. Green,

na výstave v Londýne nás zaujali produkty Vašej firmy a preto máme záujem nadviazať s Vami obchodnú spoluprácu. Sme firma, ktorá sa zaoberá maloobchodným predajom spotrebnej elektroniky. Tovar predávame v naších kamenných predajniach, ale aj prostredníctvom nášho internetového obchodu (eshop). Dovoľujeme sa informovať, či nás môžete zásobovať dostatočným množstvom produktov – mobilné telefóny, televízory a tablety. Na výstave ste sponímali, že tiež organizujete odborné školenia Vašich produktov pre predajcov. Radi by sme sa zúčastnili týchto školení, aby mali naši predajcovia čo najlepšie znalosti o produktoch a vedeli ich čo najlepšie predávať. Prosíme Vás zaslať katalóg produktov, aby sme si mohli vybrať tie o ktoré budeme mať záujem. Zároveň by som Vás chcela požiadať o zaslanie skúšobných vzoriek produktov, ktoré by sme najskôr mi pilotne otestovali, či by mali naši zákaznici o ne záujem. Veríme, že Vaša ponuka bude základom našej vzájomne výhodnej spolupráce. V ponuke žiadame uviesť cenové, platobné a prepravné podmienky a spôsob zabezpečenia servisu (záručného, pozáručného). Ak by sme sa dohodli na vzájomnej spolupráci, plánujeme od Vás kupovať pravidelne tieto produkty. Platbu navrhujeme posielať na Váš účet a vždy rozdeliť na dve časti. Prvú časť by sme plati vždy pri potvrdení objednávky a druhú časť by sme plati pri dodaní objednávky. Vzhľadom k tomu, že máme záujem o väčší počet produktov, chcela by som vedieť, či je možná aj množstevná zľava. Chceme sa včas pripraviť na nadchádzajúce obdobie preto Vašu odpoveď očakávame v blízkej dobe.

S úctou,

Tak jsem se pokusil o přeložení Vašeho původního textu, určitě to není bez chyb, snad to ještě někdo po mě projde a opraví, bude-li třeba, hlavně členy.

We were interested in the products of your company at the exibition in London and therefore we woud like to establish trading partnership with you. We are a company dealing with/ engaged in consumer electronic retail. We sell our goods not only in our permanent stores but via our eshop as well. We were wondering if you could supply us with sufficient amount of product such as cell phones, TV sets and tablets. At the exibition, you mentioned that you also organize professional trainings pertaining to your products for sellers. We would like to partake in such training course so that our retailers will have the best knowledge about the products and will be able to sell them as well as possible. Please, send us the products katalog so we can choose products we are interested in. I would also like to ask you for sending some samplers of your products for the purpose of testing whether our customers are interested in them. We believe that your offer will form the basis for our future partnership. We require that the offer contain pricing conditions, terms of payment and transportation as well as the way of ensuring warranty service and after-sales service. Provided we agree on the partnership, we intend to pay for those products from you regularly. We suggest sending the payment to your account and divide it into two amounts every time. The first amount would be paid for immediately after the order confirmation and the second one after delivering of our order. Because we want a larger number of your products, I would like to know if the quantity dicount is possible too. We want to get ready for the oncoming period, so we expect your answer/ response soon.

Jen malý návrh:

zaujaly nás výrobky – some of your products got (caught) our attention
mít kamenný obchod- run a brick-and-mortar business/store/shop
(z)účastnit se – take part in (lépe než partake – zast.)

Dakujem Vám velmi pekne :)

We suggest sending the payment to your account and dividing it into two amounts every time.

Tady myslím, že i to druhé sloveso má být v gerundiu, nějak mi to uteklo.

Angličtější by asi bylo:

We suggest paying in two installments.


We suggest that the payment should be divided into two installments.

Mirek-1: Díky moc za doplnění, Vaše konstrukce rozhodně vypadají lépe.

installment – tohle slovíčko mě vůbec nenapadlo.


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