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“He had blacked out as his car hit the tree.”

Vrtá mi hlavou, proč v tomhle souvětí z učebnice je v první větě předminulý čas. Když se ty dva děje staly naráz, měla bych tendenci napsat normálně v minulém čase “He blacked out as his car hit the tree.”

Díky moc.

Hi Marie, your thinking is correct here. “He had blacked out as his car hit the tree” is strange, and without context it's difficult to understand the intended meaning. Normally I would expect (as you say) “he blacked out as his car hit the tree” (= he blacked out when his car hit the tree). “As” (as a conjunction of time) usually describes two concurrent actions, and it's therefore illogical to use it in a context where the two different tenses (“had blacked out” and “hit”) don't describe concurrent actions. It's a poor example for a language-teaching book.

Bohužel je to nekvalitní “učební” materiál. Dále mají “go down – The plan to put rents up has not gone (?) well with tenats.” “pull through – don't worry, your dad is going to put through”, a špatnou mechanickou intonaci. Je to ostuda.

Ta stejná věta je i v Macmillan dictionary:…sh/black-out

Ta věta je z učebnice Destination C1&C2, tak jsem právě myslela, že jí můžu věřit. Díky moc za vysvětlení. :)


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