Help for English

Erasmus+ cover letter


Zdravím všechny! Chystám se podávat přihlášku na Erasmus+ a píšu motivační dopis. Pomohl by mi někdo s jeho kontrolou prosím? Budu velice vděčná, když si na mě někdo z vás udělá čas. Převelice díky.

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this cover letter I would like to apply for an opportunity to be a part of Erasmus+ exchange program. I believe that study abroad would be useful experience for my future life – especially for my further academic research and future job. I am twenty years old and I am currently in second year of studying at the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague. I have chosen the University of Helsinki, especially Faculty of Theology, mainly because of the opportunity to deeply experience its culture and lifestyle. My field of study is exclusively devoted to religion in combination with theology and one of my reasons why I have decided to apply for this program at University of Helsinki is, that I want to see and use another workplace of religion and theology in the world – study religion from slightly different point of view. I love Finland and I hope that it is possibility to get to know this country closer. It is taken for grounded, that it would be a great chance to learn new language and of course improve my English skills. As the compensatory university I have chosen the Åbo Akademi in Turku because its connection theology with arts and psychology in studying program can be very interesting in my oppinion. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response. Your Sincerely, Štěpánka Edlová

Hi Burgus, congratulations, this is well written and there's nothing that wouldn't be understood, but I've taken the liberty of making some suggestions to get rid of one or two Czechisms and improve the style. Věta “… chosen … the Faculty of Theology, mainly because of the opportunity to deeply experience its culture and lifestyle” je problematická v tom smyslu, že fakulta jako taková nemá vlastní kulturu a způsob života. Já jsem z toho vyrozuměl " …ve Finsku". Pokud tomu tak není, tak to zmeňte podle sebe. Good luck with your application!

[With this cover letter I would like] I am writing this cover letter to apply for an opportunity to be (a) part of the Erasmus+ exchange program. I believe that study abroad would be a useful experience for my future life – especially for my further academic research and future job. I am twenty years old and (I am) currently in my second year of studying at the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague. I have chosen the University of Helsinki, especially the Faculty of Theology, mainly because of the opportunity to deeply experience the culture and lifestyle in Finland. My field of study is exclusively devoted to religion in combination with theology and one of my the reasons why I have decided to apply for this program at the University of Helsinki is, [no “Slavic” comma here] that I want to see and [use another workplace of :-?] engage with religion and theology in a different setting in the world and study religion from a slightly different [point of view] perspective. I love Finland and I hope that [it is] this would be a possibility to get to know this country closer more closely. It is taken for grounded, granted that it would be a great chance to learn a new language and of course improve my English skills. As the compensatory second-choice university I have chosen the Åbo Akademi in Turku because its study program connecting theology with arts and psychology [in studying program can] could be very interesting in my oppinion. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 6 lety

Hi Burgus, congratulations, this is well written and there's nothing that wouldn't be understood, but I've taken the liberty of making some suggestions to get rid of one or two Czechisms and improve the style. Věta “… chosen … the Faculty of Theology, mainly because of the opportunity to deeply experience its culture and lifestyle” je problematická v tom smyslu, že fakulta jako taková nemá vlastní kulturu a způsob života. Já jsem z toho vyrozuměl " …ve Finsku". Pokud tomu tak není, tak to zmeňte podle sebe. Good luck with your application!

[With this cover letter I would like] I am writing this cover letter to apply for an opportunity to be (a) part of the Erasmus+ exchange program. I believe that study abroad would be a useful experience for my future life – especially for my further academic research and future job. I am twenty years old and (I am) currently in my second year of studying at the Hussite Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague. I have chosen the University of Helsinki, especially the Faculty of Theology, mainly because of the opportunity to deeply experience the culture and lifestyle in Finland. My field of study is exclusively devoted to religion in combination with theology and one of my the reasons why I have decided to apply for this program at the University of Helsinki is, [no “Slavic” comma here] that I want to see and [use another workplace of :-?] engage with religion and theology in a different setting in the world and study religion from a slightly different [point of view] perspective. I love Finland and I hope that [it is] this would be a possibility to get to know this country closer more closely. It is taken for grounded, granted that it would be a great chance to learn a new language and of course improve my English skills. As the compensatory second-choice university I have chosen the Åbo Akademi in Turku because its study program connecting theology with arts and psychology [in studying program can] could be very interesting in my oppinion. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.

Děkuji Vám mnohokrát :-*


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