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key word transformation - being looked into/to be looked into


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Key word transformation

  • The issue will be investigated next week without fail.


  • The issue is___________­____next week without fail.

Správnou odpovědí je “being looked into”. Já bych však použil i “to be looked into”! Toto je “budoucí čas”, který se používá například v novin. nadpisech a podobně, ne?

Pojednává se o tom i zde na HFE:

Naplánované činnosti Vazbu BE TO také používáme pro děje, které byly naplánované. Význam je potom podobný jako při použití vazby BE GOING TO a nebo budoucího průběhového času. He is to have lunch with his boss tomorrow. A Harvard representative is to visit us next week.

Bylo mi řečeno, že “to be looked into” není nejvhodnější, protože to znamená “má být” – je tam menší jistota údajně. To mi však nesedí s úryvkem z HFE.

Jak to funguje? Mohl bych vás poprosit o radu?

Velice děkuji!

S tím, co Vám bylo řečeno, nesouhlasím. This is the right answer:

KEY 10.The issue will be investigated next week without fail. LOOKED The issue be looked into / is going to be looked into next week without fail. (source – 5/15. “cloze” ?? is apparently a mistake)

The be to + infinitive structure is also frequently used in newspaper, radio and television reports to refer to future events. It expresses near certainty that what is forecast will happen. (BBC)

(“Being looked into” is also acceptable but not the best choice here.)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 6 lety

S tím, co Vám bylo řečeno, nesouhlasím. This is the right answer:

KEY 10.The issue will be investigated next week without fail. LOOKED The issue be looked into / is going to be looked into next week without fail. (source – 5/15. “cloze” ?? is apparently a mistake)

The be to + infinitive structure is also frequently used in newspaper, radio and television reports to refer to future events. It expresses near certainty that what is forecast will happen. (BBC)

(“Being looked into” is also acceptable but not the best choice here.)

Thank you! I am so happy to see this. My key says only “being looked into” is possible.


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