Help for English

Nine iron away


Hezký večer všem,

We are nine iron away from a freeway…

Co tato fráze znamená?


(Čekal bych we are a nine-iron away from) A nine iron is a golf club used for hitting the ball high into the air – over trees, for example – or hitting it only a relatively short distance, so it means “a short distance away”, as here:

One of the most picturesque golf courses in the world, the Taba Heights Championship Course was the perfect venue for the 2010 finals, set beneath stunning mountains and with the Red Sea just a nine iron away.

The 8 and 9 irons) are commonly called the “short irons”. They (…) are used for shots requiring high loft or moderate to short distance (typically between 130 and 150 yards with a full swing).

(Also: we're within spitting/striking distance of a freeway, we're (just/only) a stone's throw from a freeway.)


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