Help for English




mohl by mi někdo vysvětlit nulový člen ve druhé větě, resp. proč je “wish sb a good morning”, ale “bid sb good morning”?

  1. I smiled at her and wished her a good morning.
  2. I smiled at her and bid her good morning.


All of them are ok, but they're all formal/literary, and the “bid” versions are very old-fashioned.

  • … wished her a good morning = I said I hoped (that) she would have a pleasant morning. (… ale proč popřát někomu jen hezké dopoledne?? A odpoledne at' se mu nic nedaří ???)
  • … wished her good morning = I said “good morning!” to her.
  • … bid her good morning = I said “good morning!” to her. OLD-FASHIONED
  • … bid her a good morning = I said I hoped (that) she would have a pleasant morning. OLD-FASHIONED


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