Help for English

Present Perfect


Dobrý den, chtěla bych se zeptat na rozdíl ve větách:

Mary WENT to Egypt for a holiday, but she is back in England now. I HAVE HAD a headache, but I fell fine now.

Jakto, že v jedné větě je present perfect a v druhé past simple? Obojí říká, že v minulosti bylo něco, ale NOW je už něco jiného.


Odkud ty věty jsou?
(BTW: ne fell fine ale feel fine)

Z Murphyho, English grammar in use nebo tak nejak. Ano, samozrejme, upsala jsem se

Murphy's ‘English Grammar in Use’, 4th Edition, Unit 13, has this exercise:

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible. Otherwise use the past simple.

  • (Female) Are you ok?
  • (Male) Yes, I ......... (have) a headache, but I'm fine now.

The answer at the back correctly gives “had”. You can't use the present perfect here, because the action (of having a headache) has stopped. He's fine now. The headache is not still in progress at the time of speaking.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 6 lety

Murphy's ‘English Grammar in Use’, 4th Edition, Unit 13, has this exercise:

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible. Otherwise use the past simple.

  • (Female) Are you ok?
  • (Male) Yes, I ......... (have) a headache, but I'm fine now.

The answer at the back correctly gives “had”. You can't use the present perfect here, because the action (of having a headache) has stopped. He's fine now. The headache is not still in progress at the time of speaking.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. There is an incorrect answer in my version which confused me.

Thank you


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