Help for English



Zdravím, právě pracuji na projektu z hlediska testování v informatice a práce s tzv. Use cases. Mám dotaz pro zkušenější angličitnáře, jak si poradit s časem v bloku Postconditions. Stručný úvod: Postconditions popisují stav programu po proběhnutí určitého scénaria. Můj dotaz zní: Jaký čas při psaní Postconditions použít? Zde přikládám malý náhled:


  1. The user is located on the UIS homepage
  2. No user is logged in – the upper bar has a black colour and on the right hand side there is a visible “Login” option of the menu


The user selects the ‘Login’ option of the menu located on the right part of the upper bar

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user will select the Login option of the menu located on the right part of the upper bar
  2. The specific Login Page form will appear
  3. The user will fill his(hers) login name that already exists (=is registered in the UIS)
  4. The user will enter pass in the password field – the universal password for all of the users
  5. The user will press the Login button


  1. The UIS will determine whether the user has a role of either a student or a teacher by checking the users' login name
  2. The Login option will disappear from the top bar menu.
  3. he right part of the upper bar will show the clickable first and last name of the logged-in user.
  4. The right part of the upper bar will show the ‘Logout’ option
  5. The user with a student's role will have a Student's view menu appear and the upper bar is coloured orange
  6. The user with a teacher's role will have a Teacher's view menu appear and the upper bar is coloured dark green
  7. The Overview page will appear to the both roles

Je správné použití minulosti (osobně si myslím, že není)? Již scénario proběhlo, a podmínky musí být splněny (minulost)? Vše proběhlo a efekt zasahuje do přítomnosti (předpřítomnost)? Či využít nejvíce se nabízeného řešení a využít prostou přítomnost (konstatování stavu po Main success scenario). Za případné chyby v textu se omlouvám a jakoukoliv opravu s pokorou přijmu. Přeji hezký den

Hi Jan,

  1. You can use simple present throughout (including in the Main Success Scenario), or will + infinitive as you already have it. Simple present throughout is by far the best and simplest here.
  2. Past tense is not appropriate.
  3. Present perfect is possible with some of the verbs, but may lead you into problems deciding which actions are perceived as still relevant in the present at that stage of the process, and which actions are perceived as completed actions in the past. So don't use it.
  4. There are some other minor grammatical problems (the user will fill his (hers) login name).
  5. There are several structures that are unnecessarily complicated in English.
  6. “4. The user enters their password in the password field – the universal password for all users”: interpunkce – tady mi nedává smysl. Do you mean each individual user enters their individual password, or, if the user is an administrator, he/she enters the universal password?

Ve snaze být nápomocný, uvádím alternativní variantu, která mi zní přirozeněji. Doufám, že vám to nebude vadit.


  1. The user is located on the UIS homepage
  2. No user is logged in – the upper bar is black, the “Login” menu option shows on the right


The user selects the ‘Login’ option on the right

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user selects the Login option
  2. The specific Login Page form appears
  3. The user logs in with their existing name (= registered in the UIS)
  4. The user enters their password in the password field – the universal password for all users (The user enters their password in the password field, or the universal password for all users)
  5. The user clicks on “Login”


  1. The UIS determines whether the user has either student or teacher status by checking the user's login name
  2. The ‘Login’ option disappears from the top bar menu
  3. The clickable first and last name of the logged-in user appears in the upper bar on the right
  4. The ‘Logout’ option appears in the upper bar on the right
  5. A user with student's status sees a Student's view menu, the upper bar shows orange
  6. A user with teacher's status sees a Teacher's view menu, the upper bar shows dark green
  7. The Overview page appears to both Student and Teacher statuses
Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 5 lety

Hi Jan,

  1. You can use simple present throughout (including in the Main Success Scenario), or will + infinitive as you already have it. Simple present throughout is by far the best and simplest here.
  2. Past tense is not appropriate.
  3. Present perfect is possible with some of the verbs, but may lead you into problems deciding which actions are perceived as still relevant in the present at that stage of the process, and which actions are perceived as completed actions in the past. So don't use it.
  4. There are some other minor grammatical problems (the user will fill his (hers) login name).
  5. There are several structures that are unnecessarily complicated in English.
  6. “4. The user enters their password in the password field – the universal password for all users”: interpunkce – tady mi nedává smysl. Do you mean each individual user enters their individual password, or, if the user is an administrator, he/she enters the universal password?

Ve snaze být nápomocný, uvádím alternativní variantu, která mi zní přirozeněji. Doufám, že vám to nebude vadit.


  1. The user is located on the UIS homepage
  2. No user is logged in – the upper bar is black, the “Login” menu option shows on the right


The user selects the ‘Login’ option on the right

Main Success Scenario

  1. The user selects the Login option
  2. The specific Login Page form appears
  3. The user logs in with their existing name (= registered in the UIS)
  4. The user enters their password in the password field – the universal password for all users (The user enters their password in the password field, or the universal password for all users)
  5. The user clicks on “Login”


  1. The UIS determines whether the user has either student or teacher status by checking the user's login name
  2. The ‘Login’ option disappears from the top bar menu
  3. The clickable first and last name of the logged-in user appears in the upper bar on the right
  4. The ‘Logout’ option appears in the upper bar on the right
  5. A user with student's status sees a Student's view menu, the upper bar shows orange
  6. A user with teacher's status sees a Teacher's view menu, the upper bar shows dark green
  7. The Overview page appears to both Student and Teacher statuses


předem se omlouvám za pozdější odpověď. Mockrát děkuji za Vaší reakci, obsahuje přesně vše, co jsem shledal puzzling. Zároveň i děkuji za Vaše podání, které doopravdy zní přirozeněji.

Přeji hezký den.

The user enters their password in the password field – the universal password for all users (The user enters their password in the password field, or the universal password for all users)

tohle me prastilo do oci:

password field, lepe password bar

univerzal password, lepe asi access password, ci jednoduse password

Pracuji v IT 12 let a osobne jsem “password bar” v zivote neslysel v tomhle kontextu.


Příspěvky mohou přidávat pouze přihlášení uživatelé. Pokud máte účet můžete se přihlásit.

Příspěvky v diskusi jsou majetkem jejich autorů. Provozovatel webových stránek Help For English za ně nenese zodpovědnost.