Help for English

Vrátit se zpět do původního stavu


Ahoj všem.
Nějak si nevím rady, jaké vhodné slovíčko použít pro vyjádření českého "vrátit se zpět…do původního stavu v níže uvedené větě:

Je potřeba, aby byl uživatel v SAPu vedený jako interní zaměstnanec, aby se provedené změny zachovaly. V opačném případě (externí zaměstnanec) se účet uživatele automaticky vrátí do původního stavu (včetně schránky).

Můj pokus:
The user needs to be marked as an internal employee in SAP for the changes to keep set. Otherwise (External employee) the user account is going to get back to its original state automatically (including mailbox).

Jak prosím v tomto případě vyjádřit ono vrátit se zpět? Napadají mne slovíčka jako: return back, go back, roll back, get back … opravdu nevím.

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Otherwise, as an external employee, the user account will automatically revert to its original state.

“Revert to” is the mot juste here, I think. Go back to, return to, default to are also ok. If you use a word with the prefix “re” (return, revert), you don't need “back” (revert back, return back). The sense of “back” is already conveyed by the prefix “re”.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 5 lety

Otherwise, as an external employee, the user account will automatically revert to its original state.

“Revert to” is the mot juste here, I think. Go back to, return to, default to are also ok. If you use a word with the prefix “re” (return, revert), you don't need “back” (revert back, return back). The sense of “back” is already conveyed by the prefix “re”.

Ahoj Dane, díky moc za pomoc. No vidíš to, revert mne vůbec v tu chvíi nenapadlo. Šlo by případně i “get back” nebo “roll back” nebo se to v těchto případech nepoužívá?

“Get back” and “roll back” would be understood, because the essential meaning here is conveyed by “back”, but a native speaker wouldn't use them here (unless they are part of IT jargon). Roll back usually means reduce, weaken, or restrict, which isn't the sense here. Get back (to its original state) seems to imply that the original state is where it belongs, or is the required or desirable state, which isn't the sense here.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 5 lety

“Get back” and “roll back” would be understood, because the essential meaning here is conveyed by “back”, but a native speaker wouldn't use them here (unless they are part of IT jargon). Roll back usually means reduce, weaken, or restrict, which isn't the sense here. Get back (to its original state) seems to imply that the original state is where it belongs, or is the required or desirable state, which isn't the sense here.

Díky moc za vysvětlení.


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