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Leaving forces to invest Bastogne , Manteuffel continued his race westward . His spearheads had reached Dinant , just short of the Meuse , by the end of 24 December , but this was as far as he was going to get . Patton's troops had now entered the arena and , on 26 December , they relieved Bastogne , which had proved an obstinate thorn in the Germans' flesh.

Now s předminulým časem mi připadá zvláštní.Může to tak být ?Děkuji

Ano, může.

The Past Perfect With “Now”?

I found this sentence while studying English: I had now been in the United States of America something like five years … When can I use “now” with the past perfect? (…) (…)

now (…)

6: at the time referred to (… now the trouble began…)

7: by this time (… has been teaching now for twenty years)

So now can mean “at this point in the narrative”. You can use it with any tense when you intend this meaning. Its usage with the past perfect is totally unremarkable in this respect.

Tou dobou byli mí rodiče už dlouhá léta po smrti a soužití s tetou bylo spartánské.

  • my parents had now been dead for many years
  • by now my parents had been dead for many years
  • my parents had then been dead for many years
  • by then my parents had been dead for many years


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