Help for English

What's your favorite book?


I read book 1 years ago :oops:

Hi, I've always wanted to read English books in their original versions (I mean unabridged) but soon realised that they are so difficult to read and looking up almost every second word in the dictionary is sooo boooring (especially if you have a strong suspicion that you won't ever use any of these newly-found words again). So I decided to read Czech books translated into English by English translators. My favourite is The Good Soldier Švejk by Hašek (it is available in several bookstores in Brno). Reading Švejk in English is easier because most Czechs know what the book is about and even know some parts by heart! In this way I also read Russian literature – I highly recommend Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment etc. And if you are a Christian it's a good idea to read NIV Bible in English. Bye :idea:

Adam's rib: Have you tried Saturnin translated into English? It's one of my most fav books in Cz and it's worth reading it in En.

To Brain: Thanks for your response, glad that there's someone who shares my interest in English translations of Czech books. I'm ashamed that I forgot about Saturnin. It's such a GREAT book! I bought it a few years ago and although it was quite expensive (hardback edition with colour illustrations) I have no regrets. Aunt Catherine and Bertie (Milouš) are simply unforgettable. Aunt Catherine's sayings and proverbs are just as funny in English as they are in Czech. The film is brilliant too: Love that scene when she unexpectedly comes to visit her poor, dismayed nephew who can't stand the very sight of her and on the doorstep she gravely remarks: A guest in the home represents a visit from God… :-D Bye

I even bought two pieces – just in case (of someone's birthday or so), whatever the price. Things like that will never grow old! :-)

To Adam´s rib and brain:
you really seem to be specialists

To cetverka: Thanks for compliment. But I wouldn't call myself a specialist, only interested in books and English for a long time and fortunate that some things came my way. Honestly, right now I'm feeling rather down. Next Saturday I'm sitting my FCE exam and I'm really scared. Poor me. But I secretly hope that I'll manage. Bye.

To Adam's rib: Good luck! I'm sure you will do well.

To cetverka: It's nothing more than my positive attitude towards English. I'm far beyond being a specailist. (but thank you anyway :-) )

I should have probably said something like:
„I'm far from being a … .“
„I'm anything but a … .“
Thanks for your lesson. That serves me right! :oops:

To Brain: Thanks a lot for your support. I'm sure your words will help me at moments when I'll be sweating over exam questions. The strange thing is that I find the Writing part the most difficult one. Usually I don't have problems writing, but the topics that are there don't suit me at all. Much too often my mind is just as blank as the sheet of paper I'm staring at. :shock: Bye.

My favorite book is about desperate housewives!

I see here is some discussion, well, I will just skip it. Now, back to topic. Now I'm reading the book named Until I Find You by John Irving. It's actually my third book from this author and you have all my recommendations! I found Irving thanks to another forum and since then I've called him as one of my favourite writers. This story is about four-year-old (at the beggining) Jack and his mother (I don't know that word – she makes tattoos). They are travelling and looking for Jack's father (can I use here present continues?) which left them before Jack was borned. And it's just the start! In this book you can see some of Irving's usual topics, like New England, prostitutes, wrestling or many sexual variations, so beware if you mind.
Well, I suppose it's all (for now). Sorry for mistakes. And if some of you has time to answer my questions in parenthesis (I guess), I will be very grateful. Bye, and I'm glad to see lots of reading tips in this topic, and, generally, thanks for this web. I love it. :-)

Digital Fortress from Dan Brown is pretty good. I havent completed reading of it yet (I'm not actually reading it, I'm listening to it via mp3 )… So don't tell me the end, please. :-D :-)

I have read a book called Jojo's story. The book is about a boy who lost his whole family in war. The story is written by seven years old boy who is still a little naive and doesn´t know anything about war and life. The book was released as adapted book for Elementary or Pre-Intermediate users.

I found my mother in our house. She was dead. She lay on the floor and didn´t have any clothes on herself. I had never seen her without clothes before…

That is really a very good book.


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