Help for English

What's your favorite book?


I love Harry Potter. I have read complet series and the seventh book even in two languages!! ( Czech, an Slovak xd ). In my bookshelf there is an english version of Harry Potter and the philosopher's sto­ne, but I think I couldn't understand yet. I have read even another books, or exam: Silmarillion, Vinetou…
But, I am not a „bookfan“. There are only a few books which are fun from my side (maybe I am young for reading?). I already read „How to survival“ by John Wiseman (SAS survival instructor).

Hi, my latest book I´ve read is „Sputnik, my love“ by Haruki Murakami. Murakami is one of my favorite writer and this book just confirms that he´s really excellent.

I liked The Catcher in the Rye, so I was sorry to hear that J.D. Salinger died a few days ago.

hallo everybody. my very favorite book is the Third wish written by Robert Fulghum, I have read it in czech some time ago and now I am reading it in English which is more difficult but also more fun

To HONYK and McKay: how did you like The colour of Magic? I loved the sence of humor the Death had :-)

Truth be told I can't say it was the best book I've ever read. A week ago I finnished the second book of Discworld saga – Light Fantastic and I liked it just the same as the Color of Magic – pretty good. However, some people say that the Prattchet flourishes in time and that his later books are getting better and better :-)

Anyways, does anybody know whether the Discworld saga has been finnished.

I'm reading it at this moment. I'm of the same opinion as Honyk, I can't say it's the best book I've ever read. Don't know if it's just me but sometimes I find it quite difficult to understand.

I know what you mean. Sometimes I found myself lost in the plot and location. And I thought it was because I read it when I was ill and couldn't fully concentrate.

It's been just a year since I started reading English books. As yet I have read 6. Right now, I am finishing the book A thousand splendid suns and I can say it's that awesome. For me, one of the best books I have ever read. I also enjoyed Angels and daemons by D. Brown and The dark is rising, the author has just slipped my mind. All in all, I haven't ready any English book I didn't like.

To keep a record of what you have read, you can sign up on :)

Yep, I guess I have already check out this website at helpforenglish. Well, I will have a closer look. It seems be a better idea then trying to keep a count of all books I am gonna read.

Yeah, you can also create TO-READ LIST

Already registered. :-D

What's you username? My username is Honyk. If you want youn can add me as „MY FRIENDS“ :-)

Yeah, it's great to know what others are currently reading.


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