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Eyes of differing color occur


Úryvek článku Border Collie z Wikipedia

Eye color varies from brown to blue, and occasionally eyes of differing color occur ; This is usually seem with merles .

Mohlo by být také different namísto differing ? Za mne ano . Děkuji moc.

Ano, ale eyes of a different colour

  • Eyes of differing colour/colours/co­louring/colora­tion
  • Eyes of different/dif­fering colours
  • Eyes of a different colour (the meaning is the same)

What's the difference? The indefinite article “a” modifies the word “colour”. Colour can be countable or uncountable, depending on the sense. In some contexts (but not all), this “countability” sense is comparable to the difference between barva and zbarvení – specific colours, or colour/colourin­g/coloration in an abstract sense.

  1. Colour = BrE, color = AmE;
  2. Most people would avoid “differing colouring” because the juxtaposition of two words ending in -ing sounds clumsy here (though it's ok in other contexts, like I'm going swimming).
  3. Eyes of differing colour (as given in your source) sounds the most natural.


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