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He wouldn't forgive it to us.

Může to takhle být?


He wouldn't forgive it to us. He wouldn't forgive us (for it).

He wouldn't forgive us nebo snad pravděpodobněji he would never forgive us. At a pinch, you'd say “for it”, but usually the context would be already stated or the speaker would introduce the necessary context in a subsequent “if” clause.

  • Even though Bob is now 25, we can't throw his favourite teddy away. He would never forgive us!
  • Even though Bob is now 25, he would never forgive us if we threw his favourite teddy away.

The construction is “forgive someone something” (I forgive you your indiscretion) or “forgive someone for something” (I forgive you for your indiscretion, I forgive you for being indiscreet). Usually the pronoun “it” wouldn't be used as the context would be clear.

“The last thing this country needs is a general election, I think the people would never forgive us for it, I think what they want is this parliament to deliver Brexit in an orderly way,” interior minister Sajid Javid told BBC TV.

Thanks for the explanation, Dan.


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