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Mary's picture of the city by Picasso


Mohla bych říci: Mary's picture by Picasso of the city

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Mary's picture of the city by Picasso

Moc děkuji

Nezlobte se, ale taková věta je nanejvýš nepravděpodobná, protože nemá kloudné aktuální členění. Tuším, že obraz maloval Picasso a patří Mary. Nikdo neuvede v jedné větě hned dvě rémy.

  • This is a picture of the city by Picasso. It's Mary's.
  • This is Mary's picture of the city. It's by Picasso.
  • This is Mary's Picasso. It's a picture of the city.
  • This is Picasso's picture of the city. It's Mary's.
  • Mary's picture of the city, which is by Picasso, was stolen when her house was burgled.
  • Picasso's picture of the city, which belongs to Mary, is worth a lot of money.


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