Help for English

2x "by" v jednej vete?


Ahoj lidi,

Zostavil som takuto vetu:

Support the community by giving us your feedback by clicking the yellow button with ! sign in extension window and report websites where cookie conset bar or pop-up is not disappearing or another issue you see.

Neznie to nahodou trochu divne/amatersky, ked je tam 2× to “by”? Myslite, ze by sa to dalo preformulovat nejak inak? A tiez co poviete na ten koniec “or another issue you see” je to ok?

Yes, the two bys are a bit clumsy but there are easy workarounds, e.g.:

  • Support the community! Give us your feedback by clicking …
  • You can support the community with your feedback by clicking …
  • Give us your feedback and support the community by clicking ..

or any other issue you see


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