Help for English

preset perfect + past perfect v jedné větě


Je tato věta gramaticky správně? Dá se použít present perfect a past perfect v jedné větě nebo se past perfect výhradně objevuje v kontextu minulých časů (past simple, past continuous) Have you ever felt sick after you had sailed on a boat? (nebo jen sailed on a boat?) Thanks a lot:)

  1. Have you ever felt sick after you had sailed on a boat? [spíš :-( ]
  2. Have you ever felt sick after you sailed on a boat?
  3. Have you ever felt sick after sailing/going/be­ing on a boat?
  4. Have you ever felt seasick after a boat ride/trip?

They're all ok.

  • 1 is acceptable but the past perfect isn't necessary. The fact that one action (sailing on a boat) happened before the other (feeling sick) is clear from the use of the word “after”, so there's no need for the past perfect, and in fact it sounds clumsy here.
  • 3: As the subject (you) of both clauses is the same, there's no need to repeat it in the second clause (after you sailedafter sailing …), so 3 sounds more natural or idiomatic than 1 or 2.
  • 4 is perhaps the shortest and sweetest way of asking this question.


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