Help for English

too fine a point


vůbec nerozumím větě: Well, not to put too fine a point on it, yes.

Abych to řekl na plnou hubu / úplně upřímně.

Také “abych byl zcela otevřený/upřímný…”

Také řečeno bez obalu. I'd [= I would] just add (for those of you who like to collect idioms) that the phrase “not to put too fine a point on it” exists ONLY in this form. You can't vary it or change it grammatically in any way, so you can't (idiomatically) use the version below in red , but you can convey the same idea with one of the phrases in blue.

  • he didn't put too fine a point on it. He was quite upfront about it, he didn't beat about the bush, he called a spade a spade, he said exactly what he thought, he came straight out with it
  • I'm not going to put too fine a point on it. I'm going to be quite upfront about it, I'm not going to beat about the bush, I'm going to call a spade a spade, I'm going to say exactly what I think, I'm going to come straight out with it.

Thank you, useful


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