Help for English

Should want


Ahoj, chtěl bych se zeptat, jak byste přeložili a vysvětlili následující větu: “And if they should want to take the box on the underground, a small size is a big advantage.” Nejde mi do hlavy použití slova “should”. Děkuji.

Myslím, že to nejlépe najdete tady……ovych-vetach

“If you should want …” means the same as “if you want …”, but it's slightly more formal style, so: Kdybys ho náhodou/snad potkal, řekni mu, že nemůžu přijít:

  1. If you (happen to) meet him, tell him I can't come
  2. If you should (happen to) meet him, tell him I can't come.
  3. Should you (happen to) meet him, tell him I can't come.

Version 2 is more formal than 1, version 3 (with the inversion “should you”) is the most formal, and unlikely in everyday conversational sty­le.


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