“It was a very slow process because we were fighting in Auschwitz door to
door, in the town especially. It took us a day and night,” he said. As he
entered Auschwitz, several guards surrendered. "Near the gate, there was a
stack, I would say at least 20 metres high, of shoes and boots – you would
count them in thousands. (source)
Also possible: “count them by the thousand”, “count
them by thousands” – see the Ngram,
but not on thousands.
Návštěvnost není vysoká po všech pět let, kdy Portu hostí Jihlava.
Téměř pokaždé bylo chladno a deštivo, další problémy nyní způsobila
výměna organizačního týmu. Dramaturg Porty Zdeněk Schwager uvedl, že
festival by měl návštěvníky počítat v tisících, aby se zbavil dluhů a
mohl se dál rozvíjet. (source)
… said that the festival would have to count its visitors in thousands / by the
thousand / by thousands in order to clear
its debts and carry on.
„Obávám se, že třetí vlna, která se rozjíždí, bude ještě
závažnější než ta podzimní, a mrtvé budeme zase počítat na tisíce,“
sdělil prezident ČLK redakci CNN Prima NEWS. (source)
I fear that the third wave which is taking off will be even more serious
than the autumn one, and we'll again be counting the dead in thousands / by the
thousand / by thousands.