Help for English

Motivační dopis


Našla by se tu nějaká dobrá duše, která by mi opravila chyby v motivačním dopisu pro zaměstnavatele na stáž? Následující verze je asi to nejlepší co dokážu dát dohromady, ale nevěřim, že to bude bez chyb :)

Dear Ms XXX, I would like to apply for an Erasmus+ traineeship. I am student of Social Work at University of South Bohemia in Czech Republic. My high priority for now is to collect the greatest extent of real experience with this work.

My wish for the future is to work with elderly people or people with mental disorders. As I mention in CV, my volunteering experience up to now is including working with children in age between 5 – 12. I was part of nonprofit organization, which is providing respite care for families with children with combined handicap. It was two month experience. My next experience was visiting elderly people in hospital on the after care ward for one year. My present experience is individual volunteer work with woman suffering from depression and paranoid personality disorder. I have been visiting her in nursing home since June 2021.

I would be very grateful if I would get the opportunity to be part of your work team, learn and take valuable experience for my study and for my future proffesion in field of social work.

I am very charmed by Iceland itself for very long time. It is very advanced country and I would like to see the functioning of local social services. The reason I am really interested in working for your mental health team is that I am very focused on learning about the mental disordes you especially helping people with. Also, it seems to me, that your approach to clients, you are mentioning on your website is very familiar for me.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.



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