Help for English

get teased


Zdravím všechny,

měl bych dotaz, co znamená sloveso TEASE v tomto případě. Dám sem i trochu předchozího kontextu, ale stručně řečeno, TEASE se tu vztahuje k “postům” v mobilní aplikaci.

Yeah, well, some of the theories people are posting are pretty insane.

Like what?

Addy, what did we say?

Don't read the comments.

Or have others read them for you.

Just that four big posts got teased, and then four people were in detention with Simon.

You think those four posts were about us? Or are you saying that one of us killed Simon?

Mohlo by se jednat o entry 4 z Oxford Dictionary?

​[transitive] tease somebody (with something) to make somebody want something or become excited about something by showing or offering them just a small part of it; to make somebody want more of something

Pokud je to tak, šlo by říct česky třeba jen “zveřejnit”?

It doesn't make any sense at all to me. It's evidently a very limited kind of “in language” (hantýrka) used by posters in that social media or gaming app and wouldn't be understood by the majority of people who don't waste their time on social media.

I don't think it corresponds to any of the standard dictionary definitions. If the posts that were “teased” were already “big posts”, it can hardly suggest that they were “showing or offering just a small part”.


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