Help for English

Doplnění interpunkce


Dobrý den, rád bych se poradil v následující záležitosti. V rámci své stáže jsem dostal o d šéfa na doplnění text a bohužel si vůbec nevím rady. Do textu se musí doplnit interpunkční znaménka. Jedná se o velká písmena, tečky, čárky, pomlčky v podobě dash nebo hyphen, apostrofy, středníky nebo závorky, dvojtečky a nebo úvozovky. Přdem děkuji za pomoc a přeji hezký den.

Níže nahrávám text na doplnění

johnny walker failed to pass a core physics subject in his first year at university lindsay sterling achieved a pass with distinction in the same subject they were taught the same syllabus by the same university teachers they went to the same lectures and tutorials and completed the same assignments they had similar entry scores on the university entrance examination both claim to have worked hard throughout the year and there was no reason to question those claims so why are their results so different what was it about their experiences that might help understand these differences how could the university teachers of this subject find out about the differing experiences and if they knew could they have affected this outcome

Dobrý den,
jak byste text opravil Vy sám?

Napište svoji verzi, o které pak bude možné diskutovat a případně ji poopravit. 🙂

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Franta K. Barták vložený před 2 lety

Dobrý den,
jak byste text opravil Vy sám?

Napište svoji verzi, o které pak bude možné diskutovat a případně ji poopravit. 🙂

Dobrý den, já jsem si sám pro sebe upravil text takto:

Johnny Walker failed to pass a core physics subject in his first year at university. Lindsay Sterling achieved a pass with distinction in the same subject. They were taught the same syllabus, by the same university teachers. They went to the same lectures and tutorials, and completed the same assignments. They had similar entry scores on the university entrance examination, both claim to have worked hard throughout the year, and there was no reason to question those claims, so why are their results so different. What was it about their experiences that might help understand these differences? How could the university teachers of this subject find out about the differing experiences? And if they knew could they have affected this outcome?

There aren't any hard-and-fast rules about the use of the dash --, semicolon ; and many of the other punctuation marks in English. Some people might choose to use a dash – or brackets () where others would use a comma, so there is no single „correct“ version. It's often just a question of personal style. Some people might object to starting a sentence with „And“, but it's not „wrong“.

Ve vaši verzi bych nutně poopravil jedině

  1. … so why are their results so different? (jde o přímou otázku) a
  2. And if they knew, could they have affected this outcome? (čárka po „knew“).


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