Help for English

Rozdíl mezi Checking, Check in or Checking in


Hey, hey, Hannah? Are you okay? What? Oh, I'm fine. Totally fine. And if I weren't, it certainly wouldn't be your responsibility to cheer me up. Who said anything about responsibility? Anyway, thanks for sending me the keys. I'll look for that text. I really, really appreciate it. No problem. I'd better go unpack. Bye. Okay. Goodbye. Mr. Norby, hi. Do you know if the mail's gotten here yet? Yes? Oh, good. I'm expecting something. Hi, Ethan. You must have read my mind. I'm in my lobby about to get the mail. That's why I called. Just checking in to make sure you got what you needed this time. I feel bad you lost a few days on my account. No worries. I'll make it up.

CHECK IN v tomto významu znamená, že někomu voláte, nebo se u někoho zastavíte, abyste zjistili, jestli je v pořádku, apod.

Samotné CHECK je obecně něco kontrolovat.


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