Help for English

co je dink, prevail


(phone notification) – Yes, hello, this is Robert Frankenstein Moravian III, entering a project log on Saturday the 16th, 1400 o'clock. That's p.m., people, the year of our Lord. – If you're gonna be a dink about it, just give the recorder back. – Despite the fact that I am currently being mauled by a rabid undergrad, I will prevail. I will prevail my ass directly into this seedy dive where Miss Rabies has planned for us to meet our unsuspecting interview couple. – One half of this unsuspecting couple owns this seedy dive, for your information, and it's not a seedy dive. – Oh, do they really? Crap, probably shouldn't be shouting insults about it on the front sidewalk. – You think? And for the record, it's nowhere near 0–1400. Or the p.m., it's 10 in the morning. – You really think our professor is even gonna be listening to these project logs? No chance, he doesn't care if it's 1400 o'clock or 700 o'clock.

dink about it = blbnout? prevail = co je z textu?

„Dink“ – see the Urban Dictionary.

Truth will prevail – pravda zvítězí,

Celkem lze říct. že na tom textu není nic inteligentního ☹️ .


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