Help for English

Spadá do kompetence


Dobrý den,
rád bych se zeptal, zda-li jde takto přeložit následující věta (jedná se o větu pro formální akademický text psaný v anglickém jazyce):
‘The maintenance of the value of a currency appertains within the competence of the central bank‘.
‘Udržování hodnoty měny náleží do kompetence centrální banky.‘ Nejsem si jistý, zda-li jde v tomto kontextu užít ‘appertain within‘. Ve slovníku jsem se setkal i s ‘fall within‘, ale zajímalo by mě, zda-li jde i ‘appertain‘ užít.

There's nothing grammatically wrong with your English sentence, but it sounds too much like an over-literal translation from Czech. The short chain of abstract noun + of („the maintenance of the value of …“) makes for poor style. Solution? Start the sentence with a gerund: "Maintaining the value of a currency falls within / is part of the remit of the central bank.

„Spadat do kompetence“ is used much more in Czech than the literal translation into English is, and the problem is with „competence“, which (in native-speaker use) almost always conveys the idea of „ability“, not „authority“, although it can mean „authority“. But the word „competence“ tends to be avoided in this kind of context because of the risk of ambiguity.

„Appertains within“ is very unusual in native-speaker English, because „appertain“ is followed by „to“. „Appertains“ is formal to the point of being over-formal, even in a „formal academic“ context.

Here's an example of a very similar sentence structure in „formal“ (Council of Europe) style:

24. Ensuring respect of ethical principles and rules of conduct is part of the remit of the SJC which decides when to initiate disciplinary proceedings. (

Thank you very much, Dan! I almost forgot about the actual meaning of the word ‘competence‘, which doesn't match the Czech ‘kompetence‘.

But I've been wondering why it is wrong to use the abstract noun form ‘the maintenance of‘. I know it sounds a tad ‘knižně‘ (as we say in Czech), but can it be used in a formal register?


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