Help for English

dog´s shelter dog shelter.


Chci se zeptat, jestli je správně dog´s shelter nebo dog shelter. Jako psí útulek?

Výrazu „dog shelter“ je samozřejmě rozumět, ale už se moc nepoužívá. Doporučuji rescue centre nebo prostě rescue, nebo dogs' home nebo dog's home.

8 Advantages of Adopting a Dog from a Rescue

At Happy Dog, we're committed to enhancing our support for the incredible work of rescue centres. (…) [Do you] Know of a deserving rescue centre? (…) Below we explore numerous compelling reasons to consider adopting a dog from a rescue. (…)

Most dogs find themselves in rescue organisations not due to any shortcomings but because their owners' circumstances have changed. (…) This means that many loving dogs must leave their families through no fault of their own and temporarily reside in a rescue. (happydog)

One of my colleagues has adopted a Rottweiler from the local dog rescue. He brought her in today for us to meet her. Beautiful dog. (flickr)

I'm no dog training guru myself but I have adopted a problem dog from the dog's home in the past which had behavioural issues which I had to overcome and I [have] assisted in training dogs when I was a child. (stackexchange)

We had Scooby from a dog’s home when he was very young, and I got him because I wanted my daughter to experience growing up with a dog. She, like all of us, loved him very much. (davidcowdall)

Dobrý den, děkuji a tedy dogs´home NEBO JEN dog home? Nestává se ze slovíčka DOG přídavné jméno psí?

Dog's home, dogs' home, dog home.

Ale: a dog collar, a dog kennel, a dog groomer, a dog trainer, a dog fight, a dog breeder atd.

See also: psí počasí (počasí pod psa) (expats)

dog weather, dog's weather, dogs' weather, weather under a/the dog lousy weather, miserable weather.


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