Help for English

I shall focus on


Dobrý den, už několikrát jsem se ve formálních textech (academic papers) setkal s frází ‘I shall focus on‘. Nese to stejný význam jako ‘I will focus on‘, anebo to znamná v podstatě ‘must‘, tímpádem ‘I must focus on‘? Podle článku ‘Pomocné sloveso SHALL‘ se to používá v právních dokumentech vydaných v AJ, ale dá se to použít jako modální sloveso ‘MUST‘ i v neprávním, avšak formálním textu? Děkuji

Uvedu příklady, kde jsem se s tím setkal:

(1) Since the prompt limits the scope this essay to the use of symbols, I shall focus preponderantly on the symbolic features within the short story, not to the use of language as such.

(2) As the majority of us here do belong to the advocacy, I shall focus exclusively on this profession.

„Shall“ has different meanings according to the specific context in which it's used, as the HFE article explains. In your context, „I shall focus …“ means I plan / intend / am going to focus …" It doesn't mean „must“.

… dá se to použít jako modální sloveso ‘MUST‘ i v neprávním, avšak formálním textu?


4. MODAL VERB B1+ You use shall to indicate that something must happen, usually because of a rule or law. You use shall not to indicate that something must not happen.

  • The president shall hold office for five years.
  • Member states shall decide the conditions for granting access to the labour market for the applicant.
  • The bank shall be entitled to debit the amount of such liability and all costs incurred in connection with it to your Account (Collins)

Thank you very much! So ‘shall‘ meaning ‘must‘ can be used within legal contexts but otherwise not?

Thank you very much! So ‘shall‘ meaning ‘must‘ can be used within legal contexts but otherwise not?

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Armando vložený před 8 měsíci

Thank you very much! So ‘shall‘ meaning ‘must‘ can be used within legal contexts but otherwise not?

Ah, sorry – I haven't read the last part of your comment.

It can be used in formal (but not necessarily „legal“) text.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Armando vložený před 8 měsíci

Uvedu příklady, kde jsem se s tím setkal:

(1) Since the prompt limits the scope this essay to the use of symbols, I shall focus preponderantly on the symbolic features within the short story, not to the use of language as such.

(2) As the majority of us here do belong to the advocacy, I shall focus exclusively on this profession.

If I get it, it doesn't mean ‘must‘ in those sentences, which I cited above, just simply due to the fact that teh writer is going to focus of something, but not because of certain rules, just because of something else?

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Armando vložený před 8 měsíci

If I get it, it doesn't mean ‘must‘ in those sentences, which I cited above, just simply due to the fact that teh writer is going to focus of something, but not because of certain rules, just because of something else?

*focus on something, but


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