Help for English

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How are snowflakes formed? How do snowflakes form?

Mohu použít obě věty a znamenají totéž?

Ano, protože „form“ je sloveso ergativní. ‚Ergativní‘ slovesa v angličtině (HFE)


1. (u)tvořit (se), (z)formovat (se), vytvářet (se) (fronta ap.) (lingea)

  • How do snowflakes form? 🙂
  • When does the supermarket open? 🙂
  • How are snowflakes formed? 🙂
  • When is the supermarket opened? ☹️ Unnatural, for reasons 1 and 4 below.

There are a few situations when it's natural to choose the ergative form. These include:

  1. When the cause of the action is irrelevant. (The film began.)
  2. When we want to create a feeling of mystery. (The curtains opened and …)
  3. When the subject is very easily broken or changed, so that it seems like it can change without a person doing anything. (The bubble burst.)
  4. When change usually happens in this case. (In the spring, the snow melted.)
  5. When there are many possible causes for the change. (Wages increased.) (perfect-english-grammar)


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