Help for English

Not until


Prosím Vás, může být po „not until“ v následujích typech vět past simple? Nebo je nutný past perfect:

Not until I had finished my homework was I allowed to go out.


Za mě ano, může.

Ano, může být past simple nebo past perfect.

  • Not until I had finished my homework was I allowed to go out.
  • Not until I finished my homework was I allowed to go out.

Some more examples:

  1. Not until I finished college in 2000 did I get a cell phone like this! (pinterest)
  2. Not until I finished the last can of Whiskas [= cat food] did my stomach start to feel strange. (quizlet)
  3. I had heard of the book before but not until I finished reading it did I understand how much of a gem this book can be … (saptstrength)

(„Not until I had finished …“ is also possible in all three sentences, with no difference in meaning.)


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