Help for English

Cleft sentences


  1. What my sister did was (to) introduce herself to everyone.
  2. What is really important is to make/is making a good impression.

Prečo v prvom prípade môžem použiť len infinitiv a v druhom prípade môže byť infinitiv aj sloveso v ing tvare?

A short and very simplified answer to try to illustrate the difference in grammar in both languages.

Your sentence 1 describes an action and needs a verb form, not a nominal or noun form. What do you do?

  • 1a: I introduce myself to everyone. (Doslovně) Já se všem představuji.
  • 1b: I introducing myself to everyone. (Doslovně) Já se všem představování.

Note: in 1b, introducing is functioning (incorrectly) as a verbal noun -ing form, not a participle -ing form. In this sentence: 1c I am introducing myself to everyone, the -ing form is functioning correctly as a participle.

In your sentence 2, „is“ is a copular verb and needs a subject, which can be a verbal noun (-ing form), or an infinitive (which can also function as the subject).

What is important?

  • (Doslovně) Důležité je dělat dobrý dojem. To make … is important.
  • (Doslovně) Důležité je dělání dobrého dojmu. Making … is important.


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