Help for English

Oprava chyb ve větách


Ahojte, potřebuji poradit s chybami ve větách, nevím zda jsem to přesně pochopil. Chyba je podtržena:

1) They’ll won’t need a road map to find their way in France.
Oprava – They won’t need a road map to find their way in France.
2) We needn’t to buy potatoes today.
Oprava – We needn’t buy potatoes today.
3) I definitely……mus­t………go to bed later than at midnight. I need to get up at six, my dear.
Oprava – I definitely must not go to bed later than at midnight. (zadání bylo – Fill in the verbs can, may, must, will, would and should in their present and past forms, positive or negative:)
4) Opravte větu – He hasn’t to do any extra exercises. His English is very good.
Já napsal – He needn’t to do any extra exercises. His English is very good. Podtržené TO je špatně
5) He’s doing research ____of____ various types of texts.
of je špatně – nevím co tam tedy patří
6) I was a very small baby and my education had to already begin. – ALready begin má být jinde ve větě!!
Nemělo být na začátku? Already I was a very small baby and my education had to begin.

  1. research ON (popř. INTO)
  1. He doesn't have to do any extra exercise.

    He needn't do any extra…


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