Help for English



Ahoj, v pondělí píšem test a nevím si rady s jedním cvičením s časy.

Slovesa v zavorce se maji doplnit ve spravnem tvaru:

a)We will leave as soon as the car ___ (be overhauled).
But I don't know if the overhaul ___ (complete) by 10 o'clock.
b)The European heads of state ___ (meet) in Brussels on 3. October.
c)John ___ (begin) listening to BBC broadcastingre­gularlz last year. Since then his pronunciation ___ (improve) greatly.
d)You say you're getting a coach at nine. What time ___ (it/get) to London?
e)By the end of the year all our debts ___ (pay off).
f)I ___ (go) to Brazil last summer. I ___ (never,be) there before.
g)Once someone ___ (compromise) the system, a new update will be issued.

Diky moc

Mohlo by to byt takto?

a)We will leave as soon as the car will be overhauled.
But I don't know if the overhaul will be completed by 10 o'clock.
b)The European heads of state are going to meet in Brussels on 3. October.
c)John begun listening to BBC broadcasting regularly last year. Since then his pronunciation has improved greatly.
d)You say you're getting a coach at nine. What time it gets to London?
e)By the end of the year all our debts will have pay off.
f)I went to Brazil last summer. I have never been there before.
g)Once someone has compromised the system, a new update will be issued.

a)IS OVERHAULED – casova veta, casova spojka as soon as;
asi by malo spravne byt WILL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, ale podla mna by sa dal pouzit aj jednoduchy buduci cas
b)je mozna aj varianta ARE MEETING a podla mna tam aj viac sedi, pretoze to stretnutie je uz napevno urcene
c)BEGAN – minuly cas slovesa begin; HAS IMPROVED je dobre
d)DOES IT GET – klasicka inverzia pri tvorbe otazky
f)WENT je dobre; HAD NEVER BEEN pretoze nikdy tam nebol este predtym nez tam siel minule leto
g)podla mna dobre

Nemohlo by v tom posledním g) být tohle?
Once someone compromises the system, a new update will be issued.

u otázky " e" bych dala will have been paid off.
U té poslední dle mne předpřítomný – has compromised- poté, co děj bude dokonán, ne přítomný prostý


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