Harry Potter and The order of the Phoenix
Hello there, I was asked to write little text about a book I read, and a film
I watched.
I chose the book called Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix written by
J.K.Rowling. I bet you know it. Everybody does.
When I was reading the part, when Sirius died, I remembered I was almost
crying. This book has all, what the book needs to, however, the film doesn't.
I think the book is much better then the film. I like the other films, but not
this one.
Unfortunately the book was obviously too big for one-and-half-hour film, so a
lot of scenes were cut down.
The end of the book, which was on 200 sides, was given in the film at ten
minutes time-sequence. And in the book it was the most interesting part, but at
the film, it ran too quickly. Directors gave to this film too much effects,
I think. It makes the film worse, in some parts it looks like a horror. When
you are reading the book, you practically live with the book, every chapter
you're reading. But in the this film, it was different. It just ran too fast.
I think this film wasn't as good as films before. Now I am waiting for the new
one. It is going to the cinema in start of the July.