Help for English

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Read this text and then answer the questions below.

Peter is spending his day off with his family. His family lives quite far away, so he doesn´t see them very often. But today is a special day: his grandmother is celebrating her 80th birthday. She is still very active, thinking back to the time when she was young and still trying to keep up with the latest news from politics, culture or sports. Peter loves her very much though he sometimes needs to be tolerant with her never-ending stories about the ´good old days.´ The whole family is now sitting together round the table, drinking wine, singing music and chatting about everything which comes to their minds. Each member of the family is supposed to bring some new gossips which they have to pass on everybody.

Normally, Peter is spending most of his free time working on his old car. He bought it at a discount last year and it still needs a lot of time, effort and money (especially it´s rusty bonnet). He doesn´t like his job in Advertising Agency very much, so he is looking for another job. He says he doesn´t like to put on some masks and persuade people all the time that they want something which they really don´t want to. With this strategy, it´s almost a miracle that he has not been dismissed yet. He wants to sell second hand cars instead. His grandmother really believes in him because her ex-husband was a car mechanic and she also spent most of her life in the car industry. After all, if you make a general reconstruction of your 6th second hand car like Peter does, it is not a bad idea to become a professional.


1. How is Peter spending his day off?
2. What ´s going on in his family today? And what are they doing?
3. What´s his grandmother like and how is she putting up with her old age?
4. Does Peter have a lot of time for his hobbies? What does he like doing when he is not with
his family?
5. Why is Peter not satisfied about his job? What do you think about his attitude?
6. What does he want to do instead? Why does the author of the article think he might be successful in his business?

Bylo by rozhodně lepší, kdyby sis odpovědi vypracoval sám. Tím, že za tebe bude každé cvičení vypracovávat někdo jiný, se nic nenaučíš. Výsledek bude asi takový, že jakmile ti někdo sem napíše výsledky, budeš si procházet jednu odpověď za druhou a jen budeš souhlasit s odpověďmi. Jakmile si budeš znovu procházet text, pomyslíš si, že bys napsal úplně stejnou odpověď.

Napíšeš-li sem své vlastní odpovědi, vždycky se tu najde někdo ochotný, kdo by ti je zkontroloval. Vypracováním vlastních odpovědí si nejen upevníš probírané učivo, ale také se můžeš poučit z chyb, které uděláš.

Vím o čem mluvím. Jako příklad můžu uvést naši třídu ve škole. Jako opakování každé lekce píšeme Unit testy. Spolužáci si sehnali k těmto testům výsledky a jednotlivé odpovědi se naučili nazpaměť. Že dostanou dobrou známku, to by mi ještě tolik nevadilo, spíš mi vadilo, že nebudou umět dané učivo. Potom dochází k tomu, že studenti si na učitelé stěžují, že je nic nenaučí. A čí je to potom chyba, že nic neumí…

Naprostý souhlas. Už jsem chtěl napsat několikrát něco podobného…

Opravdu si myslím, že dojdete mnohem dál, když se pokusíte nejprve odpovědět sám. Podle Vašich komentářů a dotazů jinde na HFE jsem si jist, že to pro Vás bude hračka :-)


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