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your experience with waste from all over the world


Do you have any experience with sorted waste?
I live with my friend at the flat in Prague. I throw out one bag of plastics a week. I usually fill bag of papers after three weeks. My parents don´t sort waste. They don´t believe it. They say:„It´s not important for our life“. I don´t agree with them.
Come on, others :-)

I agree with you, I live in a small village and almost all the people here sort waste. But when I was in England I was surprised that they do not sort-western Europe!!!!Can you imagine? They are ridiculous..for example they do not drink bottled water (they think it causes global warming) and so on..horrible

I was supposed to work in a Ecological company (half-time) last month. When I was in the Teach-in and we started to talk about sorted waste, everyone had different opinion and it took place about 1 hour! I think this: Sorting of a waste is vitally important for survive of mankind and we have to afford better future for our children.

I make my family sort waste. We sort glass, plastics, newspapers ad aluminium. However I also have one bad experience – eco club in our school started to sort waste, we have two baskets one for plastics and one for the rest. Once, when I stayed at school longer than usual I saw cleaning lady throwing both baskets into same bag. So since then I'm little bit sceptic about it.

Hi everyone, sorting waste could be a theme for a long discussion. I think it's important for all of us and in future it'll get necessary otherwise we'd be burried into it. Unfortunately these days it respect only a small percent of us. I had quite bad experience with it and know only several people who do it. At home we collect almost anything we know it could be transformed into something else but we know that sometimes it ends at waste incinerator, anyway.

To me, big corporations,po­litics etc.,the ones who holds power and have influence should set an example to us.

Don't forget the rule : Reduce/Reuse/Re­cycle. Understand, what I mean ? :-D

Luciiik: I don't drink bottled water either. I see no reason why one should drink bottled water when you can use drinkable tap water.

I fully agree with Ondra, some people are realy incredibly stupid ! There are scientific proofs that the tap water has much higher quality in most cases …


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