Help for English

Prosím o opravu


Ahoj, psal jsem do anglické diskuse přízpěvek, ale nevím jestli ho mám správně, a tam se asi neopravuje. Tak prosím o opravu děkuji Vám všem. :-D

I love Harry Potter. I have read complet series and the seventh book even in two languages!! ( Czech, an Slovak xd ). In my bookshelf there is an english version of Harry Potter and the philosopher's sto­ne, but I think I couldn't understand yet. I have read even another books, or exam: Silmarillion, Vinetou…
But, I am not a „bookfan“. There are only a few books which are fun from my side (maybe I am young for reading?). I already read „How to survival“ by John Wiseman (SAS survival

Could you check zhis text too? Thanks a lot!

I do geocaching too for 1,5 years. It is very interesting hobby. I have already found about 205 caches, it is not so much, but I live in a village and I have found all closes caches. Haw much caches have you found? I am glad here is somebody who is „geocacher“ too.

How much caches have you found ?

Well I'm of the opinion that it's supposed to be How many since cache is a countable word.

Yes it is How many… I am stupid thank You.

Don't sell yourself short. You have made such a mistake just because you didn't pay close atttention to this triviality.


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