Help for English



Dobrý den,

potřebovala bych poradit s následujícím cvičením na zkoušky, jedná se o doplnění předložek:

1.) There seems to be little LIKEHOOD Wiliamson winning Wimbledon because of her INABILITY play well on grass tennis courts.

2.) Our plan is to SPLIT the organisation into a number of small units. This will improve our PROSPECTS competing with more specialised companies.

3.) I RAN Paul in town the other day. He ASKED you.

4.) Jack take great PRIDE never THROWING anything. He always says that one day he´ll find a use for things.

5.) Although Professor Watson KNOWS a great deal meteorology, even he can´t ACCOUNT the unusual weather we have been having over the last few weeks.

6.) There has been a great IMPROVENEMT the behaviour of children in the school. This has RESULTED the headteacher´s IDEA involving them in decision-making.

7.) Even though Dennis didn´t ACT my advice and follow a career in medicine, I´m full of ADMIRATION his DETERMINATION train to be a vet.

Za jakékoliv návrhy řešení předem děkuju.


likelihood of
inability to
split -
prospects of
ran into
asked about?
pride in
throwing away
knows .. about meteorology
account for
improvement in
resulted in
idea of
act according to?
admiration of his determination to


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