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mohl bych nekoho poprosit o kontrolu. Nemusite se samozrejme vyjadrovat ku vsemu, staci co Vas napadne. Je to smes myslenek, ktere mne napadli v prubehu vecera kdy jsem to psal.


In this log I will try to describe my activities which I have done during this particular day. So let’s get started.

I got up at about 9 o’clock. After getting dressed I went to the bathroom. Then I was a bit unsure about what to do first. So I decided to turn on my laptop/notebook and listen to some music. Doing it I spent the whole morning. Now I realize that I could have spent it much more usefully, make of it more, do some sensible work. You know stuff like that. Unfortunately for me, there is no way to take it back/get it back. On the other hand I think It is important to learn a lesson from it. Let that be a lesson to me not to play/mess with time. Very valuable lesson I suppose. It took me while to figure it out, nevertheless, everyone will eventually get to the same point/conclusion. At the end of the day everything we do must be done with regard to time. Time is rare and our most valuable commodity. However, it is very difficult/hard or maybe even impossible to make every minute of our day accounted for. In (the) light of this matter, most of us simply don’t use time for our benefit. Ok, it is high time I started to make some sense. So I had better continue with my everyday story.

When I finished with the laptop I went to the city for some meal. I had the famous chinese meal called “kung pao”. Having need of/for the Internet I made for netcafe where I downloaded some information regarding jobs opportunities. This took approximatly one hour then I went shopping. Since I was quite short of money I had to think twice before buying. Now it is one hour after midnight and I am out of ideas what to write. Time is limited so I will keep my remarks short and sweet. While writing this article/remar­ks/notes there was and still is playing the well known movie “The firm” with Tom Cruise in main role. I hope that tomorrow I will do much better than I did today.
End of log.

Doing it I spent the whole morning. tady bych trošku přehodil slovosled – I spend the whole morning doing it. write vs type
write se použiva pro psaní na papír, type pro psaní na počítači. Dalších chyb jsem si nevšiml :)

preblesol som to velmi rychlo, ale to ci myslim, ze je chybne
It took me A(clen) while to figure it out, HOWEVER(never­theless je jednak formalnejsie a jednak mi nejak nesadne do stredu suvetia), everyone blablabla
Let that be a lesson FOR(predlozka) me blablabla
Very valuable lesson ,(ciarka) I suppose.
“kung pao” → pise sa to Kung Pao, alebo Kung-Pao, kazdopadne je to velkym
This took approximatEly (spelling)

veci, kde si niesom isty, len „strielam odbrucha“:
- At the end of the day everything we do must be done with regard to time. (zrejme blbe cela veta, mozno sa mylim, ale „with regard to time“ mi znie nejak formalne a nevhodne)

-However, it is very difficult/hard or maybe even impossible to make every minute of our day WORTH LIVING.

-Since I was quite short of money,(ciarka) I had to think twice before buying.


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