Help for English

Please check english rules for card game PRSI


O vikednu budu vysvetlovat pravidla karetni hry prsi. Mohl by to nekdo zkouknout jestli to dava smysl? Diky.

At the beginning, after the deck is properly shuffled, each player will be dealt (1) with four cards. The rest of the cards will be put back on the desk and the first card will be cut (4) and put with its value shown by the deck. The player sitting on the left from the one who was dealing starts the game. He needs to answer (2) the shown card either with a card of the same value or suit and after deciding which card from his four cards he is going to use, he puts the card on the top of the card whose value is visible (3). If he doesn’t have this type of card, he needs to take one more card from the deck. There are 3 exceptions to this rule and they apply to cards seven, queen and ace.

Seven can be answered with only another seven and if you don’t have it, this time you need to draw 2 more cards. If you answer with another seven and the opponent on you left doesn’t have another 7 he will have to take 4 more cards.

Queen is very valuable because you can use is both for answering any other card with the excepting of 7 or ace and furthermore, you can choose which suit it represents.

After using ace, the next player has to answer with the same card or he has to wait one round without (5) using any of his cards or drawing a new one.

The one who will manage to get rid of all his cards is the winner.

Let’s play the fist game with all our cards shown so that everybody would really understand how to play it :-).

(1) nejsem si jist jestli jde DEAL pouzit takto v pasivu?

(2) Je zde ANSWER whodny vyraz?

(3) Chybi mi slovni zasoba pro ty dve strany karty, ten rub a lic

(4) V nove slovni zasobe je u CUT vysvetleni ze to je snimani AT RANDOM, lze to pouzit i zde?

(5) Jak by se reklo vynest kartu (pouzit tu co drzite v ruce a odlozit ji na ten balik pouzitych karet)?

Mam trochu nejasnost v rozdilu DECK a STOCK, je to prakticky zamenitelne?

Uz jsem uplne zapomnel jestli v tech 32 kartach je taky kral? Nesehnal jsem tento typ karet, takze budu muset pouzit ten 54 pakl a vyradit nepotrebne. Takze spravne poradi je …spodek (jack), svrsek (queen), kral (king), eso (ace), nebo kral by tam nemel byt?

Je tam i král. Od každé barvy je to jack, queen, king, ace, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Jak jsem se tak díval, tak se používá spíš DECK nebo PACK of cards.

ad 3) Nešlo by BACK and FRONT of a card?

Nevystačíte si třeba jen s výrazy: CARDS FACE UP / FACE DOWN ?

Diky za odezvu. Vyrazy jako back/front nebo face up/down jsou jednoznacne lepsi nez to popisovat celou vetou, diky.


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