Help for English

resume bakalářské práce v AJ


Píšu resumé bakalářské práce v aj a byl bych rád, kdyby se mi na to někdo kouknul. Některýma obratama si nejsem úplně jistej a interpunkcí taky moc ne. :-)

This bachelor thesis deals with a Russian cinematography and also partly with a Czech cinematography. The first part of this thesis is about a development of the Czech and Russian cinematography. There are some basic information involved and split into exact periods according to the social and political situation.
In the second part of this thesis there is a list of the most famous artists who were some way beneficial to the russian movies: for example, directors, actresses, actors. Also, there is a list of the most successful russian movies which are chronologically ordered from the beginning of the creation the Russian cinematography to the present.
The third part is focused on working with a text, grammatical exercises and primarily on practising a vocabulary which is on the pages 32–36. There is a text about russian movies on the international scene and their achievements, questions focused on understanding the text and also a few morphological and translation exercises.
The last part of the bachelor thesis deals with the vocabulary connected with a cinematography. It´s mainly about phrases and collocations which are used in common communication.

beneficial in some way to, vocabulary asi nemůže být „a“ (?), a cinematography taky asi nemůže být „a“, jinak si myslím, že je to super a pro potřeby resumé naprosto dostačující. Taky jsem před rokem psala resumé k bakalářce a nemyslím si, že by to kdy někdo četl … :-D

Diky moc. :-) On to mozna nikdo cist nebude, ale co kdyby. :-D


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