Help for English

Favourite English web page


What's your favourite English web page (except Help For English, of course)?

Hi kenzo, science talks are pretty tough for my English language level :(

When I started with science talks I found it quite hard too. But that's the real English. These podcasts are incredibly interesting and cover a wide range of topics. They are great for building your vocabulary and improving your listening skills. You just need to listen the same episode many times.

Another great website is thebobandrobshow­.com

To improving my listening skills I usually listen (US National Public Radio) or BBC. But it's true that The Bob and Rob Show offers complex lessons with listening, study guide and quiz. Maybe I should try it.

Hi friends, I am a new one here. Maybe I can contribute a little with my favourite page
You can listen to podcasts and read texts as well. I find it very helpful – to do both. Okay, one must find time to sit down and listen and read. You do not have to memorize words, they get into you unconsciously.
Or if you do not have time to do it, listen to BBC Radio 2. I let is play and have fun. And do not be desperate if you do not really understand. Take it easy and enjoy.
Have fun ! Shaz


Hi shaz, thanks for the link to Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Podcast page. It looks very interesting.

Another great podcast website:

For everyone who likes painting, drawing, photographing or other kind of art, there is the world's biggest art site with MILLIONS of artworks added by talented (or not) professional or amateur artists from around the world. Registration is free for everybody.

Hi nscnsc,
about the website I can give the best information. I have only well experience with It. You can look at site of my friend Tom Wilcox. He's digital artist, his fractal pictures are impressive. Have a nice day to all.

Hi everybody :-)
I agree that deviant art is pretty cool space for those who search more beyond this world and what´s more they give something to the others. Look at my daughter´s page there at deviatnart Maybe you are an artist as well.

yeah, deviantart rulesss!!!

I have a gallery there too, but it's poor. My older images suck, but latter ones are not so bad. Check this:

Hi all,
I started page on Facebook for fans Help For English. :)…821452519981
Come on here :) and increase line of fans Help For English.
Have a nice day all

There's a group already created on FB but never mind :-)…

:shock: – oh, doesn't matter / I'm thinking :-D


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