Help for English



I last visited a museum one year ago. I visited Podtatranské museum in Spišská Sobota. Spišská Sobota is a part of Poprad.
At first I went to Church of St Juraj. The queen Elizabeth II. visited this church too.
Then I went to the Podtatranské museum. The guide was very nice. There was some interesting things like old ornamental plates, silver jewellery and historical costumes. You can see there a marriage letter of the king Móric Beňovský. I think that the funniest room was a bedroom of the 18th century. The wooden beds were very short and hard. A baby coach was very funny and unpractical. It was also made of the wood. People used kerosene lamps.
In my opinion it was very interesting saw like people lived. But I´m happy that I live in the 21th century.

Prosím, opravíte mi niekto chyby? Mám v tom hrozný zmätok, za ochotu ďakujem

Celkově je to napsané pěkně, akorát předposlední větu bych trochu poopravil.
In my opinion it was very interesting to see how people had lived at that time.
Made of wood – určitý člen the bych zde vynechal, i když by tam snad mohl zůstat kdybychom mínili, že je to uděláno z toho samého dřeva.


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