^ has a blue t-shirt
> loves books about Harry Potter
ˇ is teacher
^ has a blue t-shirt
> loves books about Harry Potter
ˇ is teacher
(I am not a teacher but I teach my children at home – sometimes
^ knows American states
› collects minerals, small stones (has got several crystals, agates ..)
ˇloves ice-hockey
^ surely loves flowers (according to her avatar)
> is currently reading Dexter
v hopes we will win the ice-hockey championship
^ read a lot of books, for example The Kite Runner, The Hound of the
Baskervilles, The Little Prince etc – probably loves reading English books
> feeds fish in an aquarium every day
v has got two or three children
^ grows orchids
> is going to watch Scrubs
v is going to watch the ice-hockey match Czech rep. vs Slovakia tomorrow
^ was watching ice-hockey match CZ.vs SK
> is going to change the favorite sport
v likes cakes
^ is not Czech
> is very tired after weekend
v loves spring
^ likes movie Forest Gump
> loves sunny days
v likes spring and summer
^ has three „n“s in her nickname
> has just seen the movie Simon Birch and almost cried his heart out
v is introverted just like me (a lot
^has been misty-eyed recently
> is sorry this year summer is rather too cloudy
v is looking forward to holiday abroad
^ likes hot summer
> is listening and enjoying BBC Shropshire
v likes rain
^ likes The Lord of The Rings
> cann't believe it is Monday again
v likes Ten Little Indians
likes Ten Little Indians (so does my child)and we won
^ uses Dictionary of Contemporary English
> has made plum jam
v has bought first Chrismas present
^likes nature
>likes play florball
v don't like Christmass
^ is an avid athlete
> is about to doze off
v is a procrastinator
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